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  • Amanda McKinney

Oh Quarantine, Oh Quarantine..

As much of the world, Peru has also put us on lockdown and mandatory quarantine. Since March 16th, people are only allowed to leave their homes if they are going to buy food, take care of people, or work in an essential industry – grocery store, gas station, hospital/clinic, police force, or military. All other businesses except those essential ones have been closed. We also have an obligatory curfew from 8pm – 5am and anyone caught out during those hours is arrested.

I am very blessed in that I live on a base so I have more freedom to move around. There is also the South America Mission base behind Refugio where some of my missionary friends live so we have been doing activities together. I have food to last me a while and friends I can interact with. But this is not the case with soo many people here because many in the culture here live daily….they work today to earn money to be able to buy food tomorrow. Clearly not being allowed to leave your home to work causes some major issues.

The government is looking at measures to help those families in need, but it is slow in coming. Some of the families of my students are those affected. I’ve been blessed to be able to help one of my students’ family because they live close to Refugio. But soo many others are hurting and affected.

Please pray that God will work in the hearts of His people to help those in need and that God opens the door to be able to reach those in need. I am soo encouraged that there is a group of individuals from one of the churches in town who are gathering dry goods to deliver to some of the elderly couples and individuals in town. But soo many more need help.

I know this situation is difficult and affecting many, but we should think and ask the Lord how He would have us serve others sacrificially in our separate communities in this great time of need. What an amazing opportunity and open door to show Christ’s love and His gospel truth with our neighbors and others in our communities! Let’s not waste it!

My Quarantine buddies! We've played Smachet, Card Games, watched movies, done Zumba, eaten together, and had church service with the newly established congregation Quarantine Community Church

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